acid flashback

what did you ever do for me


      made me hyper-aware of all eight corners of the room at the same time

      took every one of my senses to new levels of electro-magnetic connection

[especially my fingertips and especially my eyes and especially my ears and especially my nasal receptors and especially my taste buds]


      rembrandt-etched indelible mordant into my metal-plate mind

      told me that ambition is a false god and i took you at your word

      taught me that the best part of the journey is the coasting stretched-out calm-euphoria

      of the gentling return

      frightened me with sudden ignition of matches and with your shrewd exchange rate for

      faustian barter

[a treasure chest of control surrendered for a pandora-box of experience]


      showed me just what light is capable of and just what darkness trades in

      poured so much good and bad deep into me and all over me that i still don’t know which

      was which

i have no regrets about our relationship and no regrets about our breaking up

i have no desire to hold you again

your legacy of memories is rich enough

each one with voice recognition

                                                        face recognition

                                                                                    fingerprint recognition

                                                                                                                            hardwire-softwared in

so what did you ever do for me

you made yourself inevitable


                                                                          choicelessly lovable



ted eames, 2022