We’ll Always Have Montana / Yes, We’ll Always Have Montana

I can’t take this job a day longer / they’re letting you go, see this as an Opportunity

We are pondering the menu in a diner in Missoula


All this hate and destruction…this world is fucked up / you’re too cynical and too lazy to care enough

We are camping in the Bitterroots straddling Mountain Time and Pacific Time


So much living still to do / all that time you’ve wasted…why not waste some more?

We are sipping coffee in a pit-stop in Joliet gazing out at the Beartooth Range


Same old places same old faces / why can’t you appreciate what you’ve got?

We are high up on Big Baldy surveying the Little Belt Wilderness


You are great but this relationship isn’t working for me any more / I just want us to be friends

We are trundling the van along a dirt road north of Troy following a fork in the Kootenai River


How long have I got? / you haven’t got long

We are dancing to a country-blues band in a bar in Opportunity.


We’ll Always Have Montana / Yes, We’ll Always Have Montana





Ted Eames, 2019